Selfie by the Water (Aqua Blue)

67cm x 35cm x 15cm


art placer

Edition 4/7


Across many Aboriginal cultures moiety systems, referring to the two equally balanced social and ritual groupings, are used to organise social structures and kin relationships, thus dictating marriage customs and the appropriate family entitlements and the responsibilities that come with this. For Ungkum people (Rosella’s clan) these are Kaapay and Kuyan. Where these customs were once strongly ingrained, they no longer hold the same importance for some younger community members.

Back home, we’ve got really strong culture from the old people. There are about six tribal lands back at home, like different clan groups. So you can’t marry your own, you have to marry someone from a different tribal clan otherwise the old people, they get really upset and it’s not how they grew up. But now most of the old people have passed on, and it’s all a bit of a mix up now, so it’s not really good. The young people are making the old people, the ones that are left, really shame – they get upset about it. Kaapay and Kuyan, have to be together, you have to be different… Has to be from a different clan. 

Through her choice of colour and composition Rosella explores the broader, universal dualities of life; the macro (lore & culture) and the micro (family & self), the traditional and the modern and even the land and sea.

Since 2019 Rosella has been working with a Brisbane team to translate these stories into sculptural forms. This began with smaller ‘table sculpture’ prototypes and has grown to include a range of Selfie sculptures constructed with PVC & 2 pac colours as well as a major bronze floor work, Kaapay & Kuyan.