
A Nostalgic Night! | Steve Rosendale | Cinéma du Look

Cinéma du Look by celebrated Melbourne artist Steve Rosendale opened on Saturday night to an excited audience eager to meet the artist and discuss the carefully constructed new works in oil.

After two years of separation between the artist, the gallery and the collectors. The energy was palpable, non-stop discussions and enjoyment filled the fabulous vibrant gallery space on Hastings Street.

Nostalgia and atmospheric drama are captured with a gripping reality in the new collection Cinéma du Look by Steve Rosendale.

The seemingly simple photographic realism leads you into an engaging narrative whilst the cinematographic lighting enhances the true essence of the moment. It’s impossible not to fall into the glamour of a bygone era that hints at a vague recollection of vintage film and memories past. The subjects alone do not tell the whole story, it’s the carefully considered palette with enhancing light effects that add the final magical impact.

A Steve Rosendale artwork is more than a painting, it is a doorway into the realms of remembrance, a trigger for past times, escapism with a hint of glamour.

To appreciate the intensity of this show you are invited to view Cinéma du Look in person or online until Sunday 8 May 2022.
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