Mud-Soup Bouquets for the Weeping Wanderers
“My paintings are a disguise that can only be seen for their true veins when closely examined in the flesh.”
“This collection of recent work focuses on the traditional ‘still life’ subject and my personal fascination that lays within the misconception of the bouquets themselves. The process that I indulge myself in while painting contains many immediate decisions established entirely from the sprout of feeling. The feeling of the bouquet on the studio floor, the feeling of manipulating the impasto oil paint across the raw canvas, the feeling of the sounds I have playing in the studio at the time. The works continue to accommodate that emotion which is exhibited strongly through the use of heavily applied/scraped off/reapplied oil paint, fast-paced graphite gestures and flicks and drips of enamel paint over days, weeks and months of coming back to the same piece with different feelings.”
“I personally like to imagine the bouquets in different settings, whether it be ‘The Lieutenant’s Room’ or ‘The Poet’s Wall-Peeling Desk’. Each of us carry different feelings to the next person down the alley and I have attempted to depict this fact by the means of exaggerating a bouquet’s chaotic formation and representing that feeling in an alternative life form to humanity.”
Mitchell Cheesman