
New Works

What a fantastic time we had hosting artist Gareth Edwards RWA whilst visiting Australia. The Atmospherics of Light is such a beautiful and captivating exhibition we are extending it until Sunday 25 August. If you can make it to Noosa, it is an extraordinary...

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Art for Winter

Winter is beautiful here in Noosa, crisp mornings, bright blue sky and crystal clear seas. Whilst trying not to be distracted with our surroundings we are busy planning our exhibitions and welcoming new gorgeous artworks into the gallery. Enjoy some winter...

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Still Life Collection

Over the coming weeks, we are focusing on Still Life paintings showcasing stunning works by Anne-Marie Zanetti, Peggy Zephyr, Mitchell Cheesman and Jo Young.It is incredible how similar subjects can be so evocative with very different styles and media. + read...

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Last Month of the Financial Year 2024

Are you a small Business? You may be eligible to claim a full tax reduction on art purchased by the end of June 2024.The Federal Government’s Instant Asset Write-Off Scheme allows eligible businesses to claim an immediate deduction for the cost of an asset...

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Dates for the Diary…

We’ve been busy putting together our exhibitions and events for the coming months. So do put the dates in your diary.Please do not hesitate to contact us directly for preview catalogues for any artworks and, of course, RSVP for any of the exhibition openings. We...

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